Starting from Nothing -DC

Author: Dane Carroll

Date: 8/15/2024

This week the game project started from scratch. The game required a lot of systems to get off the ground so that other systems could be programmed. A lot of these systems either ended up in overlapping roles or provided other roles with little to do. Getting these early steps finished as quickly as possible was of the utmost importance.

The first thing we made sure to do was organize our files as soon as possible. It might have caused problems early on but would prevent later headaches. After this was done, we could quickly make very basic classes to derive from later on. This would provide us with organization and freedom to utilize shared functionality later on. Another aspect of this was setting up a basic enhanced input component that could be modified later down the line for whatever movement we were seeking. As the AI programmer who had fewer duties this week, it was important that I pick up the slack, help support my teammates,  and help create bases that we can build from later on in development.

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